First design

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hellooooooo Lover!

During our recent trip to Arizona we made a side trip to the Scottsdale Mall.  It was beyond exciting to shop at so many stores that we don't have in Nashville like Neiman Marcus, Lucy, Crate&Barrel, Barney's...etc.  While in Neiman Marcus I noticed a glittering shimmer out of the corner of my eye...then I saw these  (que the Mormon Tabernacle Choir):
I have had my eye on these since Ross and I were engaged.  I wanted to wear them during the wedding.  However, since we were marrying at an old Plantation home in the garden I had to come to the conclusion that these wouldn't be practical.  adorable, yes. practical, no. They have always been in the back of my mind ever since the wedding.  And then-when I saw those fabulous Lady Peep slingbacks they brought back so many memories.....sigh.
    It was hard to walk away from them but my eyes were distracted by something that was much more practical and yet, still adorable. Hunter rainboots!  With my profession, I am outside doing carline when it rains, walking around in the watery-ness outside on the playground or at the dog park with Coley.  So when i saw these I knew they were perfect.
I left with a fabulous pair.  I have already worn them several times and feel they were well worth their money.  We have received a large amount of snow here in Nashville so they have been used on the playground at school and as brakes while riding on a sled. I'm happy.  Plus I think they will even look descent this summer with a cute flowy Anthropologie dress. Stoked!!

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